Ultimate Bead Loom by Peak DaleUltimate Bead Loom

I had a basic metal sleigh loom for many years, but lost one of the rollers and had been meaning to get a replacement. Then I saw the Ultimate Bead Loom on Amazon and I decided that rather than buying another cheapy, this time I would get a loom to last – and be proud of. And I am jolly glad that I did!

The Ultimate Bead Loom is made by the Peak Dale company in the United Kingdom and is available from themselves and other sellers on eBay and from Amazon (link at the end).

What’s In The Box..

The loom arrived in a sturdy card box. It is basically two pieces of mdf type wood, two rollers and two springs that guide the threads. It is very quick to assemble and you then have a nice sturdy structure to work on.

Most bead looms lie flat in front of you, horizontal. This one sits at about 45 degrees and I personally found this a far more logical and comfortable angle for beading.My Ultimate Bead Loom in action

The loom is also much wider than the usual sleigh looms you see. (Sleigh looms are the long, thin, horizontal beading looms, usually made of coated wire). So as well as the usual bracelets and bookmarks you will also be able to create larger pieces, or work two pieces sides by side (ideal if you want to be sure they match). The rollers mean it is easy to work on varying lengths of projects too.

The set also contains two small tubes of assorted seed beads. Nothing special but fine to get started and you would be able to make a good few items from these. There are also two standard reels of white beading thread and two long, thin beading needles.

Includes Instructions….

The instructions are a wee bit disappointing. As basic beading is pretty straightforward I am sure that a beginner would manage fine with them. But this is supposed to be the ‘ultimate bead loom’, and more likely to appeal to more advanced beaders (newer beaders may well start with a much cheaper model). So I had expected to get a more impressive set of instructions with more information on ideas for using beading, techniques like finishing and edging etc. There are a couple of black and white patterns to get you started, but very surprisingly the pretty design featured on the box is not included (which I assumed it would be). There is also a sheet of squared paper templates so you can enjoy designing your own creations.

Maybe not quite the Ultimate Bead Loom, but very good!Using my Ultimate Bead Loom

All in all I am very pleased with the loom. I dare say I could have made one far cheaper – if I had the woodworking skills. But I don’t and as a quality, ready to use product this was perfect for me.

I am sure it will last many, many years. It is just asking to be painted in pretty colours!

It looks far smarter and sturdier than the cheaper metal looms and I do love the 45 degree angle and increased working width.

The photos show the first two pieces I worked on the loom, using the included beads. The designs are my own.


These links lead to the item on Amazon.com (left) and Amazon.co.uk (right) . If you purchase it from either of these links then I would get a small commission from Amazon for sending custom their way.  This is at no extra cost to yourself.  Thank you.

My mother has a Style Me Up! XLoom – this is an exptendable bead loom that is marketed for children, but is actually a very sturdy, versatile bead loom.  To read my illustrated review, click here – Style Me Up! XLoom Bead Loom Review

Craft Product Review – Ultimate Bead Loom by Peak Dale
Craft Product Review - Ultimate Bead Loom by Peak Dale
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4 thoughts on “Craft Product Review – Ultimate Bead Loom by Peak Dale

  • 1 September, 2013 at 3:30 pm

    Your review was helpful. Thank you. I decided to purchase one for myself using your link there. Hopefully everything went as it should and you’ll get your commission.
    Have a nice day. 🙂

    • 2 September, 2013 at 3:31 pm

      Thank you, Annette. I do hope you enjoy using your loom 🙂

  • 18 August, 2015 at 12:06 pm

    I am from Québec Canada I have ordre on 3 week agi from thé fabricant site and I recevez it yesterday. Look in foward to workman on it it Will be m’y first ecperience on bedaine.

  • 22 September, 2020 at 6:43 am

    Sounds good. I’d love to have a copy of the instructions because I have a loom of similar design and it would probably help me get started


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