
I first saw the We R Memory Makers Mini Alphabet Punch Board on “Create and Craft” TV and was fascinated. It seemed such a clever device – and although I didn’t really think I had a use for it, I wanted one, badly.

Fast forward to Christmas and my mother had been hinting (hard) that she had got me something that I “will really love”. It was the mini version of the Alphabet punch board! Whilst I had not really felt I had a use for the big one… the little one was perfect for my sorts of projects. Well done, mum.

Mini Alphabet Punch Board

The board is a very clever bit of kit. It is small and compact and seems very sturdily made. It has everything built in to punch, cut and trim a full alphabet of capital letters, plus numbers, in two (agreeably quite similar) styles.


So how does the mini alphabet punch board work?

First, you need a piece of card that is 2.5″ by 1.5″. (the larger version of the board uses 5″ x 3″ pieces for comparison). Handily, the board can actually cut these pieces for you! There are simple instructions in the included booklet and having done one you will be easily making as many as you need. You could, of course, also cut your pieces with a paper trimmer.

The series of techniques needed to make each letter is very clearly given in the instruction book. They are simple illustrations and after making a few letters the overall principles are learnt and it is easy to make new letters without needing the manual.


There is also a (free) Android and iPhone app that you can download with the instructions – handy if you lose the book.

I was cutting out letters within minutes of opening this Christmas present – and it is great fun.

The back of the instruction book shows the alphabet with optional extra punches for decoration.
Everything you need is built into the board for convenience.
I soon had a pile of letters.
The little knife is easy to use in the grooves for accurate cutting every time.
The corner-rounder does its thing on the top of the letter R.
Then the other side of the corner-rounder makes the little “indentation” in the front of the R.
And here is the finished letter in all its glory – ready to use on a crafting project.

I have been using the letters for ATCs, card making (the numbers are especially handy for this), scrapbooking and similar projects. I have also made a couple of little banners with them and they fit beautifully on the First Edition Bunting Dies (link below).


The larger board is perfect for making bunting and We R Memory Keepers have also bought out a punch that will make perfect little card links to join the letters together.

These links lead to the Mini Alphabet Punch Board and the larger version on Amazon. If you purchase something from this link then I would get a small commission from Amazon for sending custom their way.  You will not pay any extra for this.  Thank you.

 Mini Alphabet Punch Board on (as reviewed here)

Larger Alphabet Punch Board on

Mini Alphabet Punch Board on (as reviewed here)

Larger Alphabet Punch Board on


Love Birds Mixed Media journal page - tutorial on Tin Teddy Blog


I used the Mini Alphabet Punch Board when making a mixed media page for my art journal.  Check out the tutorial here – Love Birds Mixed Media Journal Page Tutorial

We R Memory Keepers Mini Alphabet Punch Board Review
We R Memory Keepers Mini Alphabet Punch Board Review
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6 thoughts on “We R Memory Keepers Mini Alphabet Punch Board Review

  • 2 March, 2019 at 9:58 pm

    Hi, I have lost the manual for this and can’t seem to find it anywhere unless you have an iPhone which I don’t so you know where I can find it? Thanks

    • 4 March, 2019 at 11:17 am

      I had a good look around the web, but sadly could not find any instructions. I’d suggest contacting We R Memory Keepers directly. Hopefully they will have them available for you. If not, there are a lot of videos and blog tutorials about that use the board, so you could get info on how to make many of the letters from these. Once you have made a few you hopefully would be able to guess how to make the remaining ones. I hope you are able to find those instructions.

  • 2 October, 2024 at 6:09 pm

    I love the lttle bugger!! My husband found it for me at a garage sale and he said he was sure I would want it. We ll he was right, except….it came without the instruction manual. I am wondering if there is anyone or anyway to get one, because right now we are without a printer, so I cannot just download and print.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • 3 October, 2024 at 9:47 am

      My reply is below 🙂

  • 3 October, 2024 at 9:46 am

    When this board first came out, there was a phone App that had the instructions on it.

    I have the original packaging which has the QR code link to the app – I just tried it (October 2024) and sadly it now goes to a broken link.

    I tried searching the Google Play store, but couldn’t find any We R Memory Keeper apps.

    So I think the only way to get the instructions now would be to try to “reverse engineer” each letter. There are lots of examples of cut letters online, so one can see what they are supposed to look like. With a bit of playing with the board, hopefully you can work out how to cut each letter.

    Best of luck.

    • 3 December, 2024 at 3:30 pm

      App is still available or it called Alphabet punch board


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