I would like to have a monthly series, each post featuring an Etsy-based seller and their handmade products. If it proves popular, I will increase it to two posts a month to include more sellers.
This will be totally free for the seller.
The articles will, of course, include multiple links to the seller’s shop and products so providing SEO benefits, as well as, hopefully, attracting some new visitors directly.
I will promote each post on Facebook and Twitter, as well as pinning links on Pinterest.
Who Can Be Featured?
There are a few criteria for being featured. I obviously don’t want to promote shops that are breaking laws or breaking Etsy rules.
To qualify for featuring, you will need to be able to say yes to the following:
- You must have an active shop on Etsy, selling handmade items
- You must either hand make the items yourself, or design them yourself
- If you sell things that include trademarked characters such as Disney, Harry Potter, band or team names etc, you will need to confirm you are licensed to do so legally
- You must have policies in your shop, and, ideally, an About Page too
- If you are in the UK or EU, you must have policies that comply with UK/EU law
- You must not be making any healing or metaphysical claims (as per Etsy rules)
- You must have more than ten items listed
- Your pictures must be of real finished items, not digital mock-ups (unless the product is actually digital)
Sorry, but I can not feature sellers of digital clip art and other graphics, die cuts or toppers or some planner supplies – as these are products I sell myself.
What Will You Need To Do?
You can either:
1 – write the article yourself. It should be at least 500 words long, though around 1000 would be ideal. If there are things I feel need to be changed, I will discuss this with you before publishing the article. You will be credited as the author of the post.
2 – I can write the article instead. In this case I will need you to provide me with a bit more info about your shop, such as how you got started and any exciting plans you have for the future. I will send you the article before it is published so you can be sure everything is to your liking.
The ideal article will tell readers a bit about your background in your crafting niche, how you came to start your shop, your products and your plans for future products or projects.
Although one purpose of this is to promote your shop for you, I also want to entertain my blog visitors. So the article should be positive, interesting and informative.
I am an Etsy affiliate and the links to your shop and products will be affiliate links. This means that if someone should buy from you (or Etsy) after using the link, I may get a small payment from Etsy as a thank you for sending a customer to their website. This is at NO cost at all to you or your customer.
I Will Need Some Pictures
With your permission, I would use some of the pictures from your Etsy shop, especially of your products.
I could also include additional images, such as behind-the-scenes shots, new products in progress, sold products that you are very proud of or a picture of a craft stall etc. Whatever pictures you think will add to your story.
Of course, I will need you to email me those images, and give me permission to include them in the blog post.
You will retain the copyright to all the images and I will only use them for this one article. I can watermark them with your name or logo if you wish.
All images will be set to link to your shop and products. There will be additional links within the text too. I will make sure anyone reading the article can find you!

How Will I Choose Who To Feature?
Your shop is more likely to be picked if you have attractive pictures, detailed descriptions and interesting, unusual or exciting products.
Shops selling items that feature interesting or unusual craft skills will make for great articles.
Shops with high-quality handmade products will be more likely to be picked than ones where near-identical products can be found in loads of other shops too.
Whether your shop is old or new won’t be a factor, but having a properly set up, nice looking shop will definitely be a big plus.
When It is Published
I will promote the post on my Facebook and Twitter accounts. I will also pin it to one or more Pinterest boards.
There will be links to the article from other pages on my blog.
It would be great if you were to also promote the article on your own social media etc. Driving traffic to the post will strengthen its power as an SEO link, as well as potentially win you sales from interested readers.
You get free advertising, in-bound links to your products, and the chance to showcase your shop to a new audience.
I get interesting content for my blog readers and in-bound links to my blog (from any posting you do to your social media etc).
So What Do I have to Do?
If you are interested, message me via the blog, my Etsy shops or by email (elgyfu@tinteddy.com). Tell me a little about your shop and why you think it would be a good candidate to be featured on the Tin Teddy Blog. I will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss it with you!