Someone on the Etsy seller forums was asking why their sales for this year (2022) seemed so different to those of last year.

This got me thinking, and here is the reply that I wrote to that thread, on the off chance that it is useful to some of you guys too.

The last three years have been weird. Seriously weird.

I don’t think one can really compare figures from 2020, 2021 and 2022 with each other, or previous years. 

The pandemic had massive effects on individuals, businesses and countries.  In 2020, many areas had lockdowns over Christmas, and the way people celebrated the holidays was often very different to previous years. Some people were buying more online than they ever had before. Others were tightening their belts and cutting back on costs.

Then, in 2021 there were still pandemic-related ramifications. And, as we approached Christmas, again people’s shopping habits changed. Some people splurged as they finally got to celebrate with family and friends. Others had lost loved ones, and wanted a quieter season.  Some were now dedicated online shoppers.. and others had gone back to buying in the local shops.

In 2022, the cost of Covid was really hitting home. Governments had spent vast amounts on supporting countries during lockdowns and quarantines.  They had paid for research, vaccines and information distribution.  On a massive scale. And many businesses also were now trying to recoup the money they had lost over the past two years.

Many countries are experiencing depressions, and many individuals are struggling to make ends meet.

And then Russia invaded Ukraine. For many areas, this had significant effects on fuel prices that have hit businesses and individuals hard.

Personally, my sales have gone up and down all over the place over the last three years.  Compared to previous years, it is pure chaos!  Whereas once I could have judged which months of the year would have the most sales, or when certain products would be the most popular, now I really can’t predict anything like this properly.  I expect this uncertainty to continue for quite a while to come.  

The longer you have been selling your crafts online, the more statistics you have to draw upon to understand your “normal”. But the last few years have definitely messed this up.

Here’s hoping that 2023 is a calmer, healthier and more peaceful year for us all.

A Few Thoughts on Why Your Sales Figures May Look Screwy Right Now
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