Following a number of problems which I was unable to solve, I decided to delete the fledgling Tin Teddy Shop website and start again with it.
I am now rebuilding the site, with a new, much simpler (and therefore, hopefully faster and more reliable) theme.
The Current Situation
As of today, 19 June, I have the bulk of the site up and running. I am now adding stock back in and testing everything to be sure it is all working fine.
I am hoping to have it back up online by 1st July, maybe even a little sooner.
I think it was actually sound to use, it was causing issues when I tried to edit stuff. However, may I offer my sincere apologies to anyone who tried to use the original version and had any problems.
All the products are still available from my two shops on Etsy.
Digital products – clip art, digital papers, collage sheets and paper dolls – Tin Teddy on Etsy
Physical products – die cuts, embellishments and topper – Tin Teddy Die Cuts on Etsy
Coming Soon
I have been adding a lot of new lines to the Tin Teddy Die Cuts shop lately, and have loads more to add in the coming months. All will eventually be available in the standalone store too, of course… plus many more.
Stay tuned for more info soon, or follow Tin Teddy on Facebook where I will be posting updates as I complete the new site.
Thank you to everyone who has offered me advice and support whilst trying to sort this rather stressful situation. I am really hoping that the new version of the site will cost me significantly less sleep!