Starting out on Etsy can seem very much an uphill struggle, and every day there is more competition to contend with. Etsy Rank is a very useful free-to-use website that can help even the most experienced sellers polish their shop.

Using it is easy.  You just register and tell it your Etsy shop.  Don’t worry, you don’t need to give Etsy Rank your Etsy password or anything that could affect your shop.

Useful Features

The two features I have personally found the most useful are the ability to find tags that have misspellings and items that do not have all 13 tags. I was rather shocked to find I had quite a few of both!

Here Etsy Rank has spotted that I have misspelt “digital” in one of my listings.

A missing tag is a missed opportunity to be found by Etsy search, so this information is very useful.

Etsy Rank also has a very handy “Listing Audit” option for looking at the tags, title and Google SEO of your listings in a way that makes it much easier to see where improvements can be made.

It is important to remember that this is an indicative tool, it will not fix your SEO for you.  What it will do is give you indications of where you might need to tweak things.  Getting an A grade does not mean your SEO is perfect.  But it is probably a heck of a lot better than if you were getting a D grade!  Use it to help you find the listings that may need work.

There are a other tools included too, with new ones being added. Everything is clearly laid out and intuitive – just register and have a poke about, the basic function are free!

All your ducks in a line…

Etsy Rank will also check whether your shop has all the necessary components for good business.  It will also analyse your connected social media and give you some info and guidelines on how they are performing.

The Etsy Rank Profile checks to see if you have the main components of your Etsy shop in place.
The Etsy Rank Profile checks to see if you have the main components of your Etsy shop in place.

It will even check if your stand-alone website is user friendly too.  All valuable information.

And there’s more…

Etsy Rank are continually adding more functions to their site. I have a recurring note in my planner to check my shop regularly.  Every time I do I find new features that help me further.

There is also a premium version available has even more features, however the free version offers plenty to help the average seller.

I strongly suspect that every single Etsy seller could benefit from this using this website, even if it is just to check they have no misspelt tags.

If you are starting a new Etsy shop, you might want to check out my article, 5 Steps to Start an Etsy Shop – you can listen to the podcast or read the full transcript.

For lots more information on how Etsy search and SEO works, check out check out episode 30 of the Craft Seller Success Podcast – Etsy Seo – Tags and More – Getting Found on Etsy. You can listen to the podcast or read the full transcript.

About Etsy Rank – a Useful Site for Etsy Sellers
About Etsy Rank - a Useful Site for Etsy Sellers
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